Login Without Password
How this works ?
Save your secret code in plugin option page, it should be easy to remember for you. Secret code does not have to be strong like password its for you so you can remember easily. To login, visit your site with ?x=ZZZZ at the end of url, where ZZZZ is the secret code you just saved. You will soon receive the email containing the quick login link on your registered email address. You can click on the link and you will be taken direct to your wp-admin dashboard (bypassing login form).
Why This Plugin ?
If you are one of those people who think why they need this plugin, why can not they just login using username/passwords ? Well, personally I manage multiple wordpress blogs and I have to keep the password strong and different for each blog for security reason, now its always become hard for me to remember the password and each time I forget password and I have to go through the forget passwords link. Some time I also forget username too (b’cos I don’t use default username as ‘admin’ or my own name for security purpose), in such cases I go to the wordpress database via phpmyadmin (cpanel) and reset the username/password there. So that is why this plugin… Enjoy the safest and easiest way of quick login without need of remembering those ugly (yet strong) passwords.
Is it safe ?
Yes, its safe because
1. Only you will know the secret code,
1. It will send email to only user's email who has saved secret code (you)
1. The quick login link in your email will only work for you, ie. link will be valid for the same computer, same browser and same browser session and only once. Link will do nothing if you visit from different computer/browser etc. Link will work only once.
Got question or suggestion ?
Your questions and suggestions are very valuable to us, as they help us improve our work and to serve you better. Please give your valuable feedbacks as a review of the plugin or visit us at Mindstien Technologies to contact us.
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Contributors & Developers
“Mindstien Quick Login” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
CyfranwyrTranslate “Mindstien Quick Login” into your language.
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