Plugin Tag: keyword
Show articles by keyword
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds a shortcode so you can show related articles based on a keyword with no effort.
Highlight Searched Terms in Results
(1 total ratings)Plugin deprecated. Please use Few wp tweaks options
Seo Monitor
(0 total ratings)Seo Monitor is a free WordPress plugin to monitor your SEO performance for your website(s).
Top Rank Content Checker
(0 total ratings)This is keyword rank checker in Classic Editor.You could view top rank contents rapidly.
(0 total ratings)We collect, analyze and interpret data so that YOU can make informed decisions regarding the next blog post, news article or even a youtube video.
Keyword Linker
(0 total ratings)Keyword Linker can find words that user searched and attaches the link at selected position of the keyword.
AI Keyword Swap
(0 total ratings)AI Keyword Swap is a WordPress plugin that identifies and replaces SEO-blocked words in your content using OpenAI.