Plugin Tag: sidebar
Don Social Widget
(1 total ratings)Just another social widget plugin, put it in your sidebars and footer. Simple and flat.
(0 total ratings)Twounter returns the number of followers of a twitter user in simple text format.
Download Counter Chart
(0 total ratings)Visualization of your downloads based on the Download Counter plugin.
(0 total ratings)A simple and easily adjustable social plugin for your blog to help you reach more visitors, includes facebook, google+, twitter, pinterest and more.
Featured Comments
(0 total ratings)This plugin provides a widget that let you select the comments you want to display as featured or important.
Show products by categories
(0 total ratings)Plugin for WordPress WooCommerce. For every page you can tune what product must show, while creation page or post you select in existing caregories wh …
Your Planet Today widget
(0 total ratings)Displays an interactive map of the Earth generated from recent satellite photos.
Recent Commentators
(0 total ratings)Display recent commentators with gravator icon. This widget will not display you and your sites publishers.
Trackback and Pingback Widget
(1 total ratings)Displays trackbacks and pingbacks which belong to the currently displayed page in a widget.
Pick-n-Post Quote
(0 total ratings)Utilizes the native WordPress custom meta field. Both Gutenberg and Classic Editor supports Custom Fields.
SMNTCS Simple Events Widget
(0 total ratings)Sidebar widget to show (upcoming and previous) events.
Feed Social Sidebar
(0 total ratings)Display your social feeds from Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest inside a sidebar
NK Sidebar Plugin
(1 total ratings)Here is a short description of the plugin. This should be no more than 150 characters. No markup here.
Responsive Mobile Menu
(0 total ratings)Get a minimalistic off canvas mobile menu, it be set to be shown only on tablet, mobile phone, desktop and more.
SM – Scrollbar
(0 total ratings)A simple WordPress plugin that turns your windows scrollbar into look-like MacOS scrollbar.