Nid yw’r ategyn hwn wedi cael ei ddiweddaru ers 3 ryddhad mawr. Efallai nad yw’n cael ei gynnal bellach ac efallai bod materion cydnawsedd wrth gael ei ddefnyddio gyda fersiynau mwy diweddar o WordPress.

WordPress Flash Page Flip


You Can Install and Configure the plugin in a few Steps

  • For support: Follow me on Twitter @amolinachile
  • Install the plugin
  • Create a First level page(Ex.: Page Flips)
  • Select this first level page in “Settings” page of the plugin
  • Upload the Flash Page flip files directly from url( or from your computer(is Easy take a few seconds)

You can publish Page Flips, photo gallery or Digital Paper, by te easy Way in a few steps

  • Create a PAge, Child of the First level page created previously(Ex.: Page Flips)
  • Write a Title (Ex.: Magazine Edition 1)
  • Upload the images with width:994px height:1294px, using the wordpress Media Uploader, and sort the images, the first Image is a “Cover page”
  • Add a short title for the first image(the cover, Ex.: Edition 1)
  • Save all Changes
  • Publish or Update the page.
  • Now go to the main Page(Ex.: Page Flips), the Flip books are automatically created so,

Descripcion Español

Puedes Instalar el plugin en pocos pasos

  • Instala el plugin
  • Crea una pagina de primer nivel(Ej.: Page Flips)
  • Seleciona la pagina de primer nivel en la pagina “Configuracion” del plugin
  • Sube los archivos de “Flash Page flip” directo desde la url del fabricante ( o desde tu computador, esto toma pocos segundos y usualmente funciona con la url sugerida en el plugin.

Puedes publicar, una revista, papel digital, un periodico, uan galeria de imagenes, etc, de forma muy facil y en pocos pasos

  • Crea una pagina hija o descendiente de la pagina de primer nivel creada anteriormente(Ej.: Page Flips)
  • Escribe e ltitulo (Ej.: Magazine Editcion 1)
  • Sube las imagenes con el sigueinte tamaño ancho:994px alto:1294px, usando el Uploader de imagenes que tiene el propio WordPress, debes ordenar las imagenes, la imagen nº1 corresponde a la portada.
  • Agregar un pequeño titulo a la imágen correspondiente a la portada (Ej.: Edicion 1)
  • Guarda todos los cambios en la galeria de imagenes.
  • Publica o actualiza la página.
  • Ahora puedes ir a la pagina de primer nivel en tu wordpress (Ej.: Page Flips), verás que los Flip Books fueron creados de forma automatica, a modo de galeria de imagenes mostrando la portada de cada uno que hayas publicado, con un enlace al Flip book

Lluniau Sgrin

  • First Level Page With a list of Child pages (Flip Books) / Listado de Flip Books
  • Cover of Flip Book
  • Open Page in the Flip Book
  • Administration Options
  • Page with Checking Plugin
  • Plugin Settings page
  • About Page
  • First Level page, and Child PAges View
  • A Child Page View
  • Child Page with Image Gallery View
  • New Metabox / Custom Title ScreenShoots


1 Install the plugin
2 Create a First level page(Ex.: Page Flips)
3 Select this first level page in “Settings” page of the plugin
4 Upload the Flash Page flip files directly from url( or from your computer(is Easy take a few seconds)

Cwestiynau Cyffredin

Por qué debo instalar el Flash PAge Flip por separado?

Because it belongs to third parties.

I need special permissions on my folders?

Yes, in your plugin folder need chmod 777 in the first installation, in wp-content folder need chmod 777 in the first installation


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Contributors & Developers

“WordPress Flash Page Flip” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Cofnod Newid


  • Fix Compatibility isues
  • Add Serbo-Croatian language, thanks to Borisa Djuraskovic


  • Fix the broken icon in the admin menu
  • fix broken images in “Page Flip Gallery”
  • fix broken images in “Page Flip detail”


  • Add Turkish Languaje Support, Thanks to “ezoryak”
  • Now the system Add Title to Page Flip HTML Page (in tag), The title is Writed in this format – OR (Writed in new Metabox under Page Content box whe your Write a new Post)
    Example:Before This change(Version 1.0.5)Flash Page Flip, in the new version(1.0.6)Site Name – Flip Book title or Your Custom title
    More information see the number 11 Image.


  • Fix Broken Global Variable $wpfpf_nombrecorto, when Register Globals Is off on the server


  • Fix the error with the value in $wpfpf_thumb_option variable(config.php),you can use “Additional image sizes” plugin to set other dimension for the images thumbnails
  • Fix the error when create a new Page, and is not setting the First LEvel PAge in the “Configuration” of the plugin
  • Fix Character alert when activate the plugin
  • Add some settings in config.php files
  • Pages are created automatically in the first level page.