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SKT Glass

SKT Glass

Commercial theme

Mae'r thema hon yn rhad ac am ddim ond mae'n cynnig uwchraddiadau neu gefnogaeth fasnachol taledig. View support

  • Fersiwn 1.2
  • Last updated Ebrill 4, 2024
  • Active installations 200+
  • PHP version 5.6

SKT Glass WordPress theme is related to interior and renovation type of websites with Glaziers, furniture, doors, windows, pvc, metal, fiberglass, repair, windshield, automobile, mobile, laptop, desktop, chandeliers and other use cases of glass. Construction, interior design, architectural designs, skyscrappers and bigger sized buildings also require glass work. This website is responsive, mobile friendly, compatible with SEO plugins, WooCommerce for eCommerce and is scalable and flexible as comes with Elementor editable. Documentation: https://www.sktthemesdemo.net/documentation/skt-glass-doc/

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Gosodiadau Gweithredol: 200+


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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US), Русский, a Українська.

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